13th Trends in Classics – Travel Information

Hotels and Conference Venue  

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is situated in the city center. The main conference hotel is City Hotel (11 Komnenon Str., tel. (+30) 2310 021005 Fax (+30) 2310 240715, email: reservations@torhotelgroup.gr), which is offering discount rates to participants and visitors (breakfast included, single & room 80 €).   Please, make sure to mention that you are a conference delegate.

Other hotels are also offering reduced price (again, please, make sure to mention that you are a conference delegate ):

Park Hotel Thessaloniki (81 Ionos Dragoumi Str., tel. (+30) 2310 524121, email:  info@parkhotel.com.grbreakfast included, single room 60; double room 74).  

Orestias Kastorias Hotel (14 Agnostou Stratiotou Street, tel. (+30) 2310 276517, email: info@okhotel.gr), single room 42 €; double room 52 €). 

Rent Rooms Thessaloniki (9 Konstantinou Melenikou Str., tel. (+30) 2310204080-Fax (+30) 2310204082, email:  info@rentrooms-thessaloniki.com, single room 40 €).  

Reaching Hotels from the airport by taxi 

A short taxi ride (25 min) will take you from the airport to your hotel, and should cost approximately 20 Euros. 

Reaching Hotels from the airport by bus 

Bus number X1 runs from the airport to the city every 35 minutes round the clock (http://oasth.gr).  Tickets cost 2 Euros and can be purchased in various places (kiosks, special bus ticket stands). 

All conference hotels are easily accessible by bus.

If you arrange to stay at City Hotel, alight at Aristotelous Square (Egnatia Avenue) and head south approximately 500 meters towards Komnenon Street. The hotel is located one block away.

If you decide to stay at Park Hotel, alight one stop after Aristotelous Square (Egnatia Avenue) and head north approximately 300 meters. The hotel is located in front of the remains of the Roman Forum

If you arrange to stay at Orestias Kastorias Hotel, alight at Aristotelous Square (Egnatia Avenue) and head north towards the Roman Forum – St. Demetrios Cathedral. The hotel is located in front of the Roman Forum.  

If you choose to stay at Rent Rooms Thessaloniki, alight at Syntrivani Square. The Rooms are situated 100 meters away.

Conference Venue

The conference venue will be “The Stephanos Dragoumis” Auditorium, Museum of Byzantine Culture  (2, Stratou Avenue)

More general travel information about Thessaloniki can be obtained from:

We look forward to seeing you at the conference,
The Organizing Committee

More precise information can be obtained from the map below