Fyntikoglou Vasileios

Τομέας Classics
Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: Latin Philology
ΦΕΚ 1667/29.6.2023 τ.Γ΄
Γρ. 204 n.b.

Vasileios Fyntikoglou (born 1965)

Professor of Latin

BA: School of Philology A.U.Th. (1987)

PhD: School of Philology A.U.Th. (1996: “Modest Hospitality”: Form and Function of the motive in the Callimachean and Roman Neoteric Poetry [in Modern Greek with extensive summary in German])

Teacher in High Schools (1996-1998)

Member of the staff of the School of Philology A.U.Th. since November 1998 (Lecturer) until now (Professor)

Main interests: Augustam Poetry (especially in dialogue with the Hellenistic Poetry), Cicero, Roman Religion and Prayer, Roman translation (theory and practice), Reception (especially via translation) of the Roman Literature n the Modern Greek World, Teaching of Classical Languages and Literatures.

Books (all in Modern Greek):

Virgil’s Bugonia – The Epyllion of Aristaeus, Athens 2007 (with extensive summary in English) • M. Tullius Cicero, Pro M. Caelio. Introduction, text, translation, commentary, Thessaloniki 2013 • Lingua Latina (with Chrysanthe Tsitsiou), 2015, open access book in Kallipos Repository http://repository.kallipos.gr/handle/11419/2409 P. Ovidius Naso, Fasti. Writing Elegiac Poetry in Late Augustan Rome, 2022, open access book in Kallipos Repository (forthcoming)

Articles (selected): “Caecus, Clodia, Metellus: Theatre and Politics in pro Caelio” [Collection Latomus 272], in C. Deroux (εκδ.), Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History XI, Brussels 2003: 186-198 • “Das römische Gebet”, ThesCRA ΙΙΙ 6 (2005) 151-179 • “Horace, Odes 4.15: renuntiatio recusationis?” in D. Nikitas (ed.), Laus et Gratia. In memoriam Konstantinos Grollios, Thessaloniki 2012: 271-311 (in Modern Greek with summary in English) • “The prayer to Robigo in Ocid’s Fasti 4.910-932”, in D. Raios – E. Chouliara (eds), Religion and Mythology in the Roman World. I 2-4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020. Acta of the 10th Hellenic Symposion on Latin Studies, Ioannina 2021: 647-674 (in Modern Greek with summary in English).
