Papanastassiou Georgios

Department of Linguistics
Research field: Historical Linguistics, Indo-European Linguistics
2310 997118
Office: 304 o.b.
Office Hours: Mo 11.30-13.30 & Τu 13.30-15.00

I was born in Kozani on November 21st, 1965. I am a graduate of the School of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1988), where I also attended postgraduate studies. I completed them in École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sorbonne IV, Paris (1993). I prepared a doctoral thesis at the School of Philology, A.U.Th., and was named Doctor of Philosophy in 2001.

My professional career began at the Institute of Modern Greek Studies (M. Triandaphyllidis Foundation), A.U.Th. (1991), where in 1999 I was elected Director, a position I am holding untill today. I have also collaborated with the Center for the Greek Language (mainly 1998-2000 and 2011-2013).

In the School of Philology, A.U.Th., I was elected lecturer (2002), assistant professor (2008), associate professor (2015) and professor (2022), on «Historical Linguistics with a specializing in Indo-European Linguistics». I give courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level on the History of the Greek language, Historical Greek Grammar, Indo-European Linguistics etc. My interests also include modern and ancient Greek Dialectology, Greek spelling etc.

I have participated in several Greek and international conferences on the Greek language, given many lectures in Greece and abroad with similar issues, and published three books and numerous articles in Greek and foreign journals, conference proceedings etc. My book Nεοελληνική ορθογραφία: ιστορία, θεωρία, εφαρμογή [Modern Greek spelling: history, theory, practice] won the 2009 Athens Academy award for best study of the Greek language. I am also co-editor of the Greek translation of P. Chantraine’s Ετυμολογικό λεξικό της αρχαίας ελληνικής: ιστορία των λέξεων [Etymological dictionary of Ancient Greek: A history of words], where I have also writen an extensive Annex, outlining the pathways of the Ancient Greek lexicon (survivals and revivals) all the way to Modern Greek. I am also co-editor of the series «Greek language: synchrony and diachrony», published by the Institute of Modern Greek Studies.

Curriculum vitae