Arampatzidou Lena

Associate Professor
Τομέας Modern Greek & Comparative Literature Studies
Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: Modern Greek Philology
ΦΕΚ 2089/26.08.2022 τ.Γ'
Γρ. 208/13 n.b.

Lena Arampatzidou is Associate Professor at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and holds a PhD in Modern Greek Philology. She has taught at Harvard’s Summer School in the Comparative Cultures Seminar, at King’s College London and at the Universities of Birmingham, Amsterdam, Lund (Sweden), Cyprus and Eötvos Loránd Budapest. She has taught at the School of History and Archaeology and is currently teaching at the School of Medicine (Medical Humanities) at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has participated in Conferences in Greece, Great Britain, Cyprus and Sweden. Her papers and articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals in Greece, Cyprus, USA, Switzerland and Australia.

She has been:

  • Stanley Seeger Fellow in Medical Humanities with Princeton University,
  • Fellow in Comparative Cultural Studies with Harvard University
  • post-doctoral Erasmus Fellow in Travel Writing with Essex University
  • Fellow with the Greek National Fellowship Foundation (IKY) receiving (academic record based) fellowship all four years of undergraduate studies (first place in the list of stakeholders, School of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).

She is a reviewer for the Journal of Modern Greek Studies (JMGS) (USA), Studies in Travel Writing Journal (UK), Review of European Studies (RES) (Canadian Center of Science and Education) and Miscellanea Archives of the Center of the History of Thessaloniki. She evaluates research proposals for National Fellowship Foundation (IKY) and the Greek Foundation of Research and Innovation.

She has authored the books:

  • G.Th. Vafopoulos, The Complete Poems (2021), p. 660.

Complete edition of published and unpublished poetic works with introductory study entitled «G.Th. Vafopoulos: Thessaloniki, Modernity, Modernism».
