10th Trends in Classics International Conference

Department of Classics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

10th Trends in Classics International Conference 
Polybius and his Legacy:
Tradition, Historical Representation, Reception

Thessaloniki, May 27-29, 2016

Auditiorium “Stefanos Dragoumis”
Museum of Byzantine Culture
2 Stratou Avenue, Thessaloniki

Like Thucydides before him, Polybius anticipated that his history would be useful to future generations. The reception of his work has not belied this expectation. Despite its fragmentary state, Polybius’ account of the rise of Rome to world power has captured readers’ attention through the ages, both for the copiousness of its information and for the excellence of its analysis, while his treatment of the Roman constitution in Book 6 has earned him wide recognition among theorists of government. Over the past decades, Polybius’ historical and political views have sparked intense scholarly debates, and in recent years there has been a remarkable surge of interest in the literary aspects of his narrative. This conference seeks to bring together contributions representative of the various interpretive approaches to Polybian studies. Possible topics for discussion include (but are not limited to): Polybius’ political ideas, his attitude towards Rome, his views on the role of the historian, his methods of composition, his key themes and theories, his representation of cultural difference, his narrative strategies and artistry, his intellectual context, his relationship with his predecessors, his intertextual affinities, and his reception and influence. By addressing a wide range of questions, our aspiration is to gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the qualities and peculiarities of Polybius’ history as well as to offer fresh insights into the interpretation of this important work.

Organizing Committee:
Nikos Miltsios (Aristotle University)
Antonios Rengakos (Aristotle University & Academy of Athens)
Melina Tamiolaki (University of Crete)

For further information, please contact:
Nikos Miltsios (nikos.miltsios@gmail.com)

With the kind support of