Bakogiannis Michail

Bakogiannis photo
Assistant Professor
Τομέας Modern Greek & Comparative Literature Studies
Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: Modern Greek Philology
ΦΕΚ 917/17-8-2018 τ. Γʹ
Γρ. 208/17 ν.κ.

I was born in Athens in 1966. After obtaining my Bachelor of Philology in Medieval and Modern Greek Studies at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1988), I went on to complete my master’s degree in modern Greek Literature (1991). From January till June of 1991 as an Erasmus postgraduate scholar at Oxford University, I followed courses in European Literature and in Theory of Literature. In 2001 I obtained my Doctorate in Modern Greek Literature from the School of Philology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

I have been teaching Modern Greek Literature at the School of Philology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki since 2011. I have presented several courses of Modern Greek Literature in Greek and foreign Universities (University of Belgrade, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Universität Wien, La Trobe University of Melbourne).

I have been teaching Modern Greek Literature in the Hellenic Open University since October of 2003.

From 1995 till 2011 I taught Modern Greek Language and Literature as a secondary school teacher.

From September of 2007 till August of 2010, I worked in the Greek Language Center (Thessaloniki) as a researcher participating in two scientific programs at the Department of Literature.

Since 2001 I have participated in Greek and International Congresses. Since December of 2020 I am director of the Bibliology Workshop of Modern Greek Philology (BibWksh).

Modern Greek Literature and Critique, especially post-war, and the Greek literary periodicals of the 19th and 20th century, are my main areas of interest.
