4th Trends in Classics International Conference

Department of Classics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Department of Classics, University of Genova

4th Trends in Classics International Conference

Homer in the 21st Century:
Orality, Neoanalysis, Interpretation

Thessaloniki, May 28-30, 2010

Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki

The aim of this conference is to offer a critical reassessment of the progress made in recent years with respect to the main trends in Homeric research. The three terms (Orality, Neoanalysis, Interpretation) in the second part of the conference’s title represent three large areas we intend to explore. Starting from the end, we may say that interpreting Homer in the 21st century asks for a holistic approach that allows us to reconsider some of our methodological tools and reconceptions concerning what we call Homeric poetry. The neoanalytical and oral ‘booms’, which have to a large extent influenced the way we see Homer today, may be re-evaluated if we are willing to endorse a more flexible approach to certain scholarly taboos pertaining to these
two schools of interpretation. Song-traditions, formula, performance, multiformity on the one hand, and Motivforschung, Epic Cycle, on the other may not be so incompatible as we often tend to think.

Organizing committee
Antonios Rengakos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Christos Tsagalis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Franco Montanari (University of Genova)