Papadopoulou Thalia

Παπαδοπούλου Θάλεια photo
Associate Professor
Τομέας Classics
Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: Greek Literature
ΦΕΚ 247/24-3-2015 τΓ'
 2310 997174
Γρ. 209 ν.κ.
Συνεργασία: Fr 15.00-16.00, with appointment

Thalia Papadopoulou has received first-class degrees in Classics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (BA 1993) and the University of Cambridge (MPhil 1995, PhD 2000). She held scholarships from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation throughout her undergraduate and doctoral studies. She has taught classics at the Universities of Cambridge (teaching associate, 1996-2000), Oxford (lecturer, Corpus Christi College, 2000-2001), Crete (temporary lecturer, 2001-2002) and Ioannina (lecturer, 2002-2009). She was Postdoctoral Junior Research Fellow in Classics at Wolfson College, University of Oxford (2000-2001). Since 2010 she is Assistant Professor and since 2015 Associate Professor of Greek at the Aristotle University, Faculty of Classics.

Her research interests include Greek tragedy, Roman tragedy, epic, historiography, literary criticism in antiquity and the reception of Greek literature. She is the author of the books: (1) Heracles and Euripidean Tragedy (Cambridge University Press 2005) (2) Euripides: Phoenician Women (Duckworth 2008) (3) Aeschylus: Suppliants (Duckworth 2011).
