Taxidis Ilias

Department of Medieval Greek Studies
Research field: Byzantine Philology
Office: 202 n.b.
Office Hours: By appointment

Ilias Taxidis (Drama, 1975) studied at the School of Philology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (specialization in Medieval Greek Philology, BA 1997, MA 2001, PhD 2006). He has been teaching at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, since 2011, and holds the position of Professor of Byzantine Philology since 2023. He specializes in Byzantine historiography (Όνειρα, οράματα και προφητικές διηγήσεις στα ιστορικά έργα της ύστερης βυζαντινής εποχής), rhetoric (The Ekphraseis in the Byzantine Literature of the 12th Century and Οι εκφράσεις στη λογοτεχνία της παλαιολόγειας εποχής), epistolography (Μάξιμος Πλανούδης: Συμβολή στη μελέτη του βίου του. Το corpus των επιστολών του) and epigrammatic poetry. His monograph Les épigrammes de Maxime Planude: introduction, édition critique, traduction française et annotation was recognized by the Academy of Athens as the best study in the history of Greek Literature for 2017.

Curriculum vitae