Alexiou Evangelos

Τομέας Classics
Γνωστικό αντικείμενο: Ancient Greek Literature
ΦΕΚ 977/4-9-2018 τ. Γʹ
Γρ. 213 n.b.
Συνεργασία: Monday 11.00-12.00

Evangelos Alexiou studied Classics at the Universities of Athens (B.A. 1987) and Heidelberg (Ph.D. 1994). Since then he has worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow (supported by DFG) at Heidelberg (1995-1997), where he has also taught (1997), as a Visiting Scholar at Columbia University (1995-1996), as an Assistant Professor (1999-2014), as an Associate Professor (2014-2018) and a Professor (2018) of Ancient Greek Literature at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he has been teaching ever since. Since 1999 he has been also working (as Author of teaching books and Tutor at the Hellenic Open University. His research interests include Rhetoric, Plutarch and Biography, Second and Third Sophistic, Ethics and History of Ideas in Antiquity.

He is the author of the following books: (1) Ruhm und Ehre. Studien zu Begriffen, Werten und Motivierungen bei Isokrates, Heidelberg 1995 (Bibliothek der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaften 93, Winter Verlag); (2) Ισοκράτης,Ευαγόρας. Ερμηνευτική έκδοση, Thessaloniki 2005 (University Studio Press); (3) Πλουτάρχου Παράλληλοι Βίοι. Η προβληματική των θετικών και αρνητικών παραδειγμάτων (The Parallel Lives of Plutarch. The issue of “Positive” and “Negative” Examples), Thessaloniki 2007 (University Studio Press) (4) Der Euagoras des Isokrates. Ein Kommentar,Berlin 2010 (Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 101, De Gruyter Verlag), (5) the chapter “Die Rhetorik des 4. Jahrhunderts”, in: B. Zimmermann/A. Rengakos (ed.), Handbuch der griechischen Literatur der Antike, II, München 2014, 734-859, (6) Ρητορική και Ιδεολογία: Ο Φίλιππος Βτης Μακεδονίας στον Ισοκράτη και σε συγχρόνους του (Rhetoric and Ideology: Philip II of Macedon in Isocrates and his Contemporaries), ΚΕΓ, Thessaloniki 2015 (only available online), (7)  Η ρητορική του 4ου αι. π.Χ. Το ελιξίριο της δημοκρατίας και η ατομικότητα, Athens 2016 (Gutenberg), (8) Greek Rhetoric of the 4th Century BC. The Elixir of Democracy and Individuality, Berlin 2020 (De Gruyter Verlag). He has also published articles in scholarly journals on Thucydides, Isocrates, Lysias, Xenophon, Plutarch, Dio Chrysostom, and Julian.
