Stavrakopoulou Sotiria

Stavrakopoulou photo
Department of Modern & Comparative Greek Studies
Research field: Modern Greek Philology
Office: 208/10 n.b.
Office Hours: Δευτέρα και Παρασκευή, 13.30-

Sotiria Stavrakopoulou is Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (Department of Philology, Faculty of Modern Greek and Comparative Studies). She studied classics (B.A. 1980) and Medieval and Modern Greek at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Ph. D. Dissertation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2003 : Στοιχεία Ποιητικής στη «Χρονογραφία του Ψευδοδωρόθεου» supervisor G. Kehayoglou, 2003), where she has been teaching since 1982 (since 2009 as Tenured Assistant Professor). She was Assistant in the Λεξικό της Μεσαιωνικής Ελληνικής Δημώδους Γραμματείας (1100-1669) published by E. Kriaras (1980-1982). Her research interests include early popular literature and modern Greek prose (12th-21th.c.).

Curriculum vitae