Vassis Ioannis

Department of Medieval Greek Studies
Research field: Medieval Greek Philology
Office: 202 n.b.
Office Hours: Wednesday 14.00-16.00 by appointment

Ioannis Vassis studied Classics at the Universirty of Athens (B.A. 1980) and completed his postgraduate studies in Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature at the University of Hamburg (PhD 1987). He taught Byzantine and Modern Greek Literature at the University of Hamburg (1989–1994), and Byzantine Literature at the University of Crete (1994–2010). In February 2011 he joined the Department of Philology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

His main research interests are in secular Byzantine poetry, Byzantine School Texts, the reception of Antiquity in Byzantium, and Palaeography. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the journals Byzantinische Zeitschrift and Παρεκβολαί / Parekbolai.

His published work includes: (1) Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der sogenannten Psellos-Para­phra­se der Ilias, Hamburg 1991 (2) Leon Magistros Choirosphaktes, Chiliostichos Theologia, Berlin–New York 2002, (3) Initia Carminum Byzantinorum, Berlin–New York 2005. (4) Ένας Έλληνας εξόριστος στην Μάλτα του Δωδέκατου αιώνα. Το ποίημα του Ελληνικού Κώδικα της Εθνικής Βιβλιοθήκης της Μαδρίτης 4577, Athens 2016 (with I. Polemis)

He has co-edited the following volumes: (1) Lesarten. Fest­­schrift für Athanasios Kambylis zum 70. Geburtstag (with G.S. Henrich and D.R. Reinsch), Berlin–New York 1998 (2) Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης. Γ΄ Συ­νά­ντη­ση Βυ­ζα­ντι­νο­λό­γων Ελ­λά­δος και Κύ­πρου (with M. Loukaki and Ε. Papadopoulou), Rethymno 2002 (3) Παιδεία και Πολιτισμός στην Κρήτη. ΒυζάντιοΒενετοκρατία. Μελέτες αφιερωμένες στον Θεοχάρη Δετοράκη (with St. Kaklamanis and M. Loukaki), Herakleion 2008.

He has also published various articles and reviews in academic journals.

Curriculum vitae