The Department of Linguistics, School of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, is pleased to announce its 34th Annual Meeting to be held in Thessaloniki on May 16-18, 2013. The conference welcomes papers in the area of Applied Linguistics with a special focus on
Language and education
High-quality, original papers that broadly fall within the following indicative topics are invited:
- Discourse (analysis) and education
- (First and second/foreign) Language Acquisition and education
- Bilingual education
- Grammar and education
- Literacies and education
- Discourse, education and identity
- Language socialization and education
Those who wish to participate in the 34th Annual Meeting with an oral presentation are invited to submit two copies of their abstracts (one anonymous and one signed) to amgl34_2013@lit.auth.gr by the 27th of January 2013. Notification of acceptance will be sent by the 4th of March 2013. Please submit your abstract electronically as a word (or rtf) or pdf file. Any references to the author(s) should be omitted from the bibliography of the anonymous file.
Submissions should be in the following format:
Length: 400-500 words (excluding bibliography)
Font: Times New Roman 12pt
Space: single
Margins: 3 cm all sides
For the signed copy: title, author(s), affiliation, email address (centered)
For the anonymous copy: title (centered)
Please note that no more than 40 oral presentations will be accepted. Each participant is entitled to submit only one paper presentation (whether individual or co-authored). When you submit an abstract, please state in the body of the electronic message whether you wish your submission to be considered for the Pre-conference graduate workshop (see below). The presentations may be either in Greek or in English and should be 20 minutes long, allowing 10 minutes for discussion.
The abstracts will be reviewed by two referees.
Pre-conference graduate workshop
A pre-conference postgraduate workshop will take place on the 16th of May 2013, in which young researchers (postgraduate and doctoral students) can present their work in progress. The papers submitted will be reviewed and twenty of them will be selected. The papers accepted for presentation can be submitted for publication in the Proceedings and will be subjected to refereeing.
Participation fees
Standard fee: 30 €
Student fee (for undergraduate and postgraduate students): 15 €